Monday, July 06, 2009

tomorrow=baby day!

hi everybody! we found out a few hours ago that we will be having a c-section tomorrow afternoon. our baby is in the breech position and my amniotic fluid is low. we were hoping the baby would turn, and hoped to give it more time...but with the low fluid levels the c-section seems to be the best choice. I will be 38 1/2 weeks tomorrow. so, 7/7/09 will be the next birthday I will always remember. another july birthday to add to the ever growing list in our family. this will be the 10th!
we will post an update as soon as we can. we would appreciate your prayers for a safe delivery of a healthy baby boy or girl...and a healthy mama (who heals up quickly).
guess I'd better go pack a suitcase??!!


Brei said...

Oh, WOW!! Praying for all of you...can't wait to "meet" the newest babe! Love to you all...

Carrie and Scott said...

we will be praying! so exciting!

katie davis said...

YAY!!!!!!!! i'll be welcoming baby dockery from virginia!!! love you friend-i'll be praying for all of you tomorrow. peace and safety and savoring every moment.

Anonymous said...

That is SOOOO exciting! I can't wait to see pics of your new little one and see Eden loving all over him or her! I had a c-section for the same reason (low amniotic fluid) and it wasn't so bad. I'll definitely be praying for you and hoping you heal very quickly- I'm sure you will! Take care Mommy Abby :)

tin can photography said...

So excited and thankful for the happy and healthy delivery! I can't wait to hear from you and see photos of our new precious family member!